Les Naiman Show Atty Mario Apuzzo and CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret) were featured guests on the Les Naiman radio show, WGTK 970 in Louisville K...

Atty Mario Apuzzo & CDR Kerchner were Guests on Les Naiman Show, WGTK 970, Louisville KY, hosted by Les Naiman, Sunday 09 Jan 2011 7:05 PM EST

Les Naiman Show

Atty Mario Apuzzo and CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret) were featured guests on the Les Naiman radio show, WGTK 970 in Louisville KY, hosted by Les Naiman, on Sunday, 09 Jan 2011, 7:05 PM EST.

Listen to a replay of the show on podcast at this link.  Fast forward to the 63 minute point in the show where Atty Apuzzo and CDR Kerchner join the show:  http://lesnaimanshow.podbean.com/2011/01/09/the-les-naiman-show-010911/