The Hawaii Five-O Question of the Century News sources have reported that Hawaii will not release Obama’s long-form birth certificate despit...

Questions to Ask Hawaii Governor Abercrombie About Obama’s Alleged Long-Form Birth Certificate

The Hawaii Five-O Question of the Century
News sources have reported that Hawaii will not release Obama’s long-form birth certificate despite Governor Abercrombie’s recent efforts to show the “birthers” that they are wrong to have doubts about whether Obama was born in Hawaii.  See APNewsBreak: Hawaii won't release Obama birth info. The story reports that Governor Abercrombie now says that he is giving up trying to get Obama's birth certificate because privacy laws prevent him from getting a copy. We'll, did we not all already know that? It was believed that since the Governor was such a good friend of Obama and his parents and that he wanted to put an end to the birth certificate saga, he was going to be able to impress upon Obama to do the right thing and give consent for the release of the document. That sure would have made both the Governor and Obama look good. But now we are full circle and back to square one.

What is not understandable is what is private about the President's birth certificate? Obama allegedly already posted in 2008 on the internet his alleged Certification of Live Birth (COLB). Those wanting the release of the long-form birth certificate are only interested in seeing what birth hospital and delivery doctor are listed on the document. Obama already told us he was born in Honolulu in Kapi'olani Medical Center. So where is the privacy concern?

And that is not even considering that the President cannot expect to have any reasonable expectation of privacy in a document which he needs to prove that he meets the "natural born Citizen" eligibility requirement of Article II.

On this latest development, Dr. Kate’s insightful article, Too Late, Abercrombie, is recommended reading and can be accessed at her blog at .  Dr. Kate correctly observes that first Abercrombie suggested that the birth certificate does not exist and now tells us that he cannot release the document to the public because of privacy laws, thus giving the false impression that the birth certificate does in fact exist but simply cannot be released.

We know that Abercrombie has stated publicly that he found some type of notation in the Hawaii state archives of Obama's birth. See my previous article on this entitled,  In Search of the Holy Grail of Documents -- The Obama Birth Certificate , which can be accessed at .  Here, he might be playing games with the public given that index data of Obama's birth in Hawaii is already known and a non-issue, and he could be playing stupid about that.  Of course he will not tell us whether it is index data that he was referring to in his statement about finding some notation of Obama's Hawaiian birth in the state archive. The fact that such index data does exist provides cover and justification for what he said about some notation in the state archive.  Then from such safe grounds, Abercrombie goes further and tells everyone that he cannot release the birth certificate because of privacy laws, again giving the false impression that one exists even though former Hawaii Chief Elections Clerk, Timothy Adams, has told the world that no such birth certificate exists and that he would so testify in a court of law.  From this latest revelation by the Governor, it follows that he did not first consult with Obama (or did he?) regarding his quest to find his birth certificate, for given the current Hawaii official position regarding the need for his consent, Obama would have probably simply told him at first as he apparently is telling him now that he was not consenting to the release even if Abercrombie could find the birth certificate. 

Given this duplicitous state of affairs, I have some simple questions for Governor Abercrombie:

• Apart from whether or not the alleged long-form birth certificate can be released to the public, does such a document in fact exist?

• Does the paper version of the alleged Certification of Live Birth (COLB) which Obama’s campaign allegedly posted on the internet in 2008 for public consumption in fact exist?

• If the alleged long-form birth certificate does in fact exist and the law would have allowed you to release it to the public, and given that you did not consult with Obama prior to your quest to find and release that document to the public, would you have done so over Obama's objection?

• Since Obama has already released to the public his alleged 2008 COLB, can you simply release to the public an officially authenticated paper version of that document?

• If you would not have released the alleged long-form birth certificate to the public over Obama's objection, then what were you attempting to accomplish by searching for the document?

• Since finding out that privacy laws prevent you from releasing the alleged long-form birth certificate to the public, have you asked Obama for his consent to the release of the document to the public? If you have not, why not?

Answering such questions does not involve releasing the alleged long-form birth certificate to anyone. Our national media should be asking Governor Abercrombie these questions rather than allowing him to escape from properly addressing this issue of critical national importance and at the same time to mislead the American public while doing so.

Mario Apuzzo, Esq.
January 22, 2011