By Mario Apuzzo, Esq.
March 6, 2011
I was listening to 770 AM radio this afternoon and heard former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee tell Aaron Klein on Klein’s WABC radio show that there is no need for state legislation to make sure future presidential candidates are born in the U.S. and therefore eligible for that office. He said that such laws could be viewed as an attack on Obama. When asked by Klein if any such laws are necessary, Huckabee said:
"For the most part, Aaron, I don't even think it's necessary. We pretty much have our biographies. The news media is going to delve into everything imaginable. I think sometimes that piece of legislation might look like a swipe at Obama.” He added:
"I don't believe Obama was born overseas, I believe he was born in Hawaii. I have no doubts about his Hawaiian birth."
Read more and listen to the radio audio clip at Huckabee: No need for birth-certificate legislation
I am really disappointed in Huckabee for giving such a weak answer. Is this the type of leadership that we can expect from him if he were to become President? A leader is supposed to have strength and moral conviction. Trying to be a friend to all is just not going to work in our world today simply because not everybody wants to be our friend.
How can Huckabee say that we can count on the media when we know that they have failed and continue to fail to properly vet Obama? The media to this day does not even have a copy of Obama's paper Certification of Live Birth that he posted on the internet. Does Huckabee really believe that the media is going to properly vet Obama now and create a situation in which they would be criticized for not doing their job in the 2008 election?
Does Huckabee expect the media to tell us what an Article II "natural born Citizen" is?
Why did Huckabee not mention Congress’s duty to investigate presidential eligibility before confirming any president-elect under the 20th Amendment?
How can Huckabee have no doubts as to where Obama was born if, given what the public knows, no one in the media or in any official capacity has seen a paper copy of Obama’s 2007 Certification of Live Birth that he posted on the internet in 2008, let alone a certified copy of his long form, hospital generated birth certificate that would corroborate Obama’s place of birth (which Obama says was Kapi’olani Hospital in Honolulu, Hawaii) by providing the name of the birth hospital and delivery doctor? Why did Huckabee not share with his listening audience what he knows that the rest of millions of concerned Americans do not know that proves Obama was born in Hawaii?
What is amazing about Huckabee’s statement is that he cares more about what people might think about states (not even him) taking “swipes” at Obama, which is done everyday anyway, than preserving, protecting, and defending not only our Constitution but our nation and its people. Maybe Huckabee does not know that the Constitution requires that the President be a “natural born Citizen.”
What is also amazing is that Huckabee showed no concern for the millions of Americans who want to see closure to the issue of Obama’s birth place.
What kind of a campaign is Huckabee going to run if he does not want third parties taking “swipes” at Obama, let alone doing it himself? Who has sent Huckabee to us? Is he really going to make a true effort to win the 2012 election?
Huckabee’s attitude is exactly what got Obama into office without being properly vetted. The states need to continue their efforts to bring integrity to the presidential election process. They surely should not follow the lead of Huckabee in getting that done.
Mario Apuzzo, Esq.
March 6, 2011
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Mario Apuzzo, Esq.
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