Wash Times Ad: Whose Social Security Number is President Barack Hussein Soetoro Obama Using? Washington Times National Weekly in 11 Apr 20...

Wash Times Ad: Whose Social Security Number is President Barack Hussein Soetoro Obama Using? Wash Times Natl Wkly - 11 Apr 2011 pg 5

Wash Times Ad: Whose Social Security Number is President Barack Hussein Soetoro Obama Using? Washington Times National Weekly in 11 Apr 2011 issue - pg 5

Federal lawsuit* accuses putative President Obama is fraudulently using a Social Security Number which is legally not his and which was issued only to residents of the State of Connecticut, a state where Obama never legally resided and certainly not during the time frame of circa 1977 when that SSN was issued!


This Social Security Number is reserved for the people of Connecticut NOT Hawaii. Obama never lived in Connecticut, and he certainly wasn't living there when the number was issued in 1977, rather he was a 15 year old attending high school in Hawaii. This Connecticut geographic region SSN was used by Obama to register for the Selective Service System. Obama was either in HI or in CA attending Occidental College during his late teens when he was required to file and register with the Selective Service System. Use of this SSN by Obama as recently as the year 2008 has been confirmed by two private investigators - Susan Daniels and Neil Sankey. See the federal lawsuit for more details.

*For more information and details on the civil lawsuit against Obama and his Social Security Number see Federal Court Docket Number: 1:11-cv-00402-RCL - Taitz v Astrue, Commissioner of the Social Security Administration.

When is Congress going to investigate Obama for all the unconstitutional, nefarious, and illegal activities he is engaged in?

Posted by:
CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)