By: Mario Apuzzo, Esq.
June 8, 2011
On December 20, 2008, I published an essay entitled, The Two Constitutional Obstacles that Obama Has to Overcome to Be President, accessed at I explained that then-President Elect Obama had to first conclusively show that he was born in Hawaii. Having done that, he must still show that he is an Article II “natural born Citizen” which is a child born in the country to citizen parents. I also explained that Obama may be able at some point to show that he was born in Hawaii, which would make him a “citizen” under the Fourteenth Amendment, but that he would not be able to show that he is an Article II “natural born Citizen.” Emer de Vattel, The Law of Nations, Sec. 212-217 (London 1797) (1st ed. Neuchatel 1758); David Ramsay, “A Dissertation on the Manners of Acquiring the Character and Privileges of a Citizen" (1789); The Venus (1814) (Marshall, C.J., concurring and dissenting for other reasons); Inglis v. Sailors’ Snug Harbor (1830); Dredd Scott v. Sandford (1857) (Daniels, J., concurring); Slaughter-House Cases (1872); Minor v. Happersett (1875); Elk v. Wilkins (1884); U.S. v. Wong Kim Ark (1898).
In his need to prove that he was born in the U.S., on April 27, 2011, putative President, Barack Obama, released to the public a digital image on the White House web site of his alleged long form Certificate of Live Birth. A majority of Americans have wanted Obama to confirm that he was in fact born in Hawaii. Yet, Obama refers to these concerned Americans as “sideshows and carnival barkers.” But worse than that, the document that Obama has released is a forgery.
We have seen the tremendous amount of evidence accumulate which shows that Obama’s April 27, 2011 released long-form Certificate of Live Birth is a forgery. Countless concerned Americans have been demanding that both the FBI and Congress conduct an immediate investigation into the fraudulent birth certificate that Obama released onto the internet. Recently, we have also been following the story regarding the sexual affairs of Congressman Anthony Weiner. Nancy Pelosi has formally requested a House ethics probe into the sexual affairs of Congressman Weiner and top Democrats have refused to defend Weiner, and many other top political leaders have asked for Weiner’s resignation. See the AP story here
Obama maintains that he was born in Kapi’olani Hospital in Hawaii in 1961. But he has yet to conclusively establish that fact with a valid long-form Certificate of Live Birth or with any medical evidence. Rather, on April 27, 2011, after refusing to do so for over 2 ½ years and spending or causing to be spent countless millions of dollars of public and private funds and resources and even the 6-month imprisonment of a decorated military officer, LTC Terry Lakin, he released on the internet a forged internet image of his alleged long-form Certificate of Live Birth. This computer image is a forgery, as it contains evidence of electronic manipulation and evidence that even if the electronic image is real, the underlying paper birth certificate is a forgery.
The document published on the White House web site ( is not a scan of a paper document but rather was built with computer programming by using many electronic layers. A scanned document only has one layer of information. This document has various electronic layers which raises the serious question of whether the document was obviously forged. A must-see video by in which Alex Jones explains how in his opinion this document has been forged may be viewed at A big question that the video raises is that this document is so obviously a fake that one wonders whether those who did it are that highly incompetent or did they fake it so badly so as to want to get caught. For more information on the “document” being nothing more than an electronic manipulation, see ; The Market Ticker at; (Karl Denninger shows that the Obama BC image is not a scan and concludes the image is a forgery); (Post & Email interview of Dr. Ron Polland); .
Even if the internet image is a true representation of the alleged underlying Certificate of Live Birth, that underlying paper birth certificate, which is supposed to be a document filled in with a typewriter in 1961, is a forgery. First, it contains evidence of kerning. Web expert, Karl Denninger, has made this discovery. His article can be read at This discovery was also reported by WND and is contained in an article written by Bob Unruh which can be accessed at Kerning describes a style of printing letters which causes part of one letter to extend into the vertical space of the letter next to it. The extension appears underneath the letter whose space is being encroached. Today, kerning can be done on a computer or with typesetting. Kerning could not be done on a typewriter in 1961.
Second, now we have additional evidence that the underlying alleged paper Certificate of Live Birth is a forgery. On June 7, 2011, Jerome Corsi reported in his article with WND which can be accessed at, that a retired typographer who worked in the industry for 50 years has analyzed the Obama April 27, 2011 alleged long-form Certificate of Live Birth. He concludes that the document contains different typewriter typeface letters which come from a number of different typewriters. Paul Irey, an expert in typefaces and typography, concludes that the forger(s) used different pieces of actual 1961 valid birth certificates from Hawaii to create the Obama birth certifificate. The problem for Obama is that the different typewriter letters which come from different typewriters prove that the document is a forgery, for a valid birth certificate would not contain typeface letters created by so many different typewriters.
"My analysis proves beyond a doubt that it would be impossible for the different letters that appear in the Obama birth certificate to have been typed by one typewriter," Irey told WND.
Industry expert, Doug Vogt, has recently filed a criminal complaint with the FBI. He concludes: "I have irrefutably proven that the Certificate of Live Birth that President Obama presented to the world on April 27, 2011 is a fraudulently created document put together using the Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator programs." Read more: Why did Obama release electronic birth certificate? We have also seen evidence of Obama’s social security number and selective service registration fraud. Despite all this evidence, criminal complaints, and countless letters, communications, and complaints by concerned Americans to their political representatives and police officials, we have not heard a word from our mainstream media or from either Congress or the FBI. Again, where are the FBI and Congress who need to be doing a full-blown investigation of this serious crime (identity theft, birth certificate fraud, social security fraud, selective registration fraud, and much more) which presents a serious security threat not only for the United States but for the entire world? While Congress is about to investigate Weiner’s sexual excesses, I have not seen Congress call for any investigations into Obama’s true identity and fraudulent birth certificate, social security number, and selective service registration. I guess our illustrious Congress believes that investigating Weiner’s sexual flings is more important to the national security of the United States than investigating whether or not we have an impostor sitting in the most powerful civilian and military office in the world and learning what his motives are.
Mario Apuzzo, Esq.
June 8, 2011
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Mario Apuzzo, Esq.
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