The Most Stupid Story of the Year                                                        ...

The Most Stupid Story of the Year

                                                   The Most Stupid Story of the Year

                                                        By:  Mario Apuzzo, Esq.
                                                              August 13, 2011

This has got to be the most stupid story of the year.  When the Green Bay Packers visited the White House on Friday to celebrate the team's Super Bowl title, linebacker Desmond Bishop was not allowed to enter. He forgot his license on the team charter plane and without a license, White House security would not let him in. Read the story here:

Needless to say, Desmond Bishop is a well-known football player.

Yet, Congress let Barack Obama, who is not an Article II "natural born Citizen," who has yet to show us a valid birth certificate, social security number, and selective service registration, and who was never properly vetted, not only to live in the White House, but also to assume the singular and great civil and military powers of the Office of President and Commander in Chief of the Military.  I guess a well-known professional football player entering the White House for a short social visit for the purpose of celebrating his team's Super Bowl victory without his license is a greater national security risk than allowing a person who has refused to properly identify himself to not only live in the White House but also to assume power over our nuclear arsenal and to learn our national military secrets.   
As the old saying goes, I could not make this stuff up.  

Mario Apuzzo, Esq.
August 13, 2011

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Mario Apuzzo, Esq.
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